It’s Snowing Again.

Time for Renewal.

A Grieco
2 min readFeb 22, 2021
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

When snow comes, it used to be pretty.

It’s message was cleanliness and renewal.

Now, it falls on both sides of the fence, and

it punishes all of us equally.

It is hard to hate when the snow comes.

Yet, we find a way.

One side tries to be all things to all people, and

it fails in its own weakness trying to be thus.

The other side is stubborn and callous, trying to keep

as much of what it has gained for itself.

Heavy snow breaks limbs and lines alike.

It does not care.

Now, we know that rules are forsaken and power is taken.

We, the people, vote but it does not matter.

We, the people, vote, and some of us wish for the old ways when

right was right and wrong was wrong.

Today, the snow keeps falling, and the new ways

break our limbs and all of our connections alike.

We seem unprepared to take on any new challenges

since we are weakened by its collective sigh.

The burden of the heavy snow

falling continuously and irreverently at all times and everywhere.

No end in sight, and to many of us,

this seems quite unfair.

The world is ready to pounce on us now and take what

we had built over centuries, because we could not

hold onto our values. We cried and we wanted

too much.

The blizzard is now upon us.

Photo by Thomas Tucker on Unsplash



A Grieco

Retired and loving the simple things in life after a career in administrative services. Discovering new facts and information is my interest.